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DPI·鄂爾多斯旗艦店雅奢新格調Elegant and luxurious new style項目位于美麗富饒的鄂爾多斯,秉承著DPI進口瓷磚致力于為客戶打造優雅生活、奢華體驗的生活方式,所代理意大利 rex銳思、意大利 CERIM 希銳、西班牙 GRESPANIA 帕尼亞“奢華、優雅、當代藝術”的品牌理念,去感受視覺的美學盛宴。WY 文野設計機構創始人田野將國外的優雅與中國的優雅相結合,碰撞出富有時尚感、文化感、藝術感、趣味感的優雅新空間。The project is located in the beautiful and rich Ordos, adhering to the DPI imported ceramic tiles committed to creating elegant life and luxury experience for customers, the brand concept of "luxury, elegance and contemporary art" of Italy Rex, Italy CERIM, Spain GRESPANIA, to feel the visual aesthetic feast.TianYe, founder of WY Wenye Design Agency, combines the elegance between foreign countries with China, creating a new elegant space with a sense of fashion, culture, art and interest.“古色古香的秦漢氣息”中國紅氤氳著古色古香的秦漢氣息;延續著盛世氣派的唐宋遺風;沿襲著燦爛輝煌的魏晉脈絡;流轉著獨領風騷的元明清神韻。以其豐富的文化內涵,盤成一個錯綜復雜的中國結,高度概括著龍的傳人生生不息的歷史。China red enshrouds the ancient smell of Qin and Han Dynasty; Carrying on the style of the Tang and Song dynasties; Following the brilliant Wei and Jin context; Circulation is the dominant charm of Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties.With its rich cultural connotation, it forms a complicated Chinese knot, which highly summarizes the history of the succession of the dragon.“化整為零的設計手法”平面布局采用中國園林布局的手法化整為零。根據功能的需求,我們將空間劃分為大小、明暗、閉合、開放、橫長、縱深等變化,形成有節奏有對比的空間序列。The plane layout adopts the method of Chinese garden layout to break the whole into pieces. According to the functional requirements, we divided the space into different sizes, light and shade, closure, opening, transverse length, depth and other changes, forming a rhythmic and contrasting spatial sequence.· Chapter.1 ·門廳通過狹長暗調的小空間,收斂人們的視覺和尺度感,然后轉到較大的空間可使人覺得豁然開朗。有如“初極狹,才通人,復行數十步,豁然開朗”的驚喜風光。Pass the small space of long and narrow dark move, the vision of convergent people and scale sense, turn to larger space to be able to make a person feels suddenly free. like "in the beginning of the very narrow small place stepped dozens of steps, suddenly wider" such surprising scenery.· Chapter.2 ·會客廳極具精神感的黑白空間配以銳思奢金白大板設計感十足的紋理,仿佛置身于云霧繚繞的天宮中。The black and white space convey the strong spirit with the texture of luxury gold and white board design, as if you are in the palace of heaven surrounded by clouds and mist.· Chapter.3 ·茶室品茶猶如品味人生,大道至簡返璞歸真。C E R I M 的下午茶系列質樸的肌理,富有高級感的色調,很好的彰顯了茶禪文化。Tasting tea is like tasting life. The road to simplicity returns to simplicity. The match-up of C E R I M, with its rustic texture and advanced colors, well demonstrates the Zen culture of tea.· Chapter.4 ·洽談區與情景間輕松舒適的洽談區適宜的空間尺度拉近了人與人之間的距離,輕松舒適的環境讓溝通能夠順暢的進行,墻面的色彩突顯了展品且強化了空間記憶。The appropriate spatial scale reduces the distance between people, the relaxed and comfortable environment enables smooth communication, while the color of the wall highlights the exhibits and strengthens the spatial memory.“意式貴族的優雅情景間”由意大利奢華瓷磚品牌rex 及意大利奢華家紡領導品牌RUBELLI 聯合推出的菲拉蒂系列述說著皇室 貴族間的優雅生活。Jointly launched by REX and RUBELLI, the leading Italian brand of luxury home textiles, the I filati Collection is depicting the elegant life of royalty.優雅的生活、奢華的體驗,離不開對細節的關注。材料學、 光學、空間尺度、形體美學等無一不體現設計師的功底。Elegant life and luxurious experience are inseparable from attention to detail. Material science, optics, space scale, shape aesthetics and so on all reflect the designer's rich skills.高級的燈光氛圍,時尚優雅的美學設計,虛實交織的動線更賦予空間層疊交錯的視覺感,給人帶來高貴奢華的享受。The advanced lighting atmosphere, fashionable and elegant aesthetic design, and the moving lines interwoven with virtuality and reality give the visual sense of overlapping space, bringing people noble and luxurious enjoyment.項目名稱:DPI進口館項目地址:鄂爾多斯市空間概念設計:WY 文野設計機構設計時間:2021.10完工時間:2022.05項目面積:245平方米· Chapter.5 ·文野設計文野設計是一家致力于將哲學思想融入設計空間當中,引發空間使用 者及進入空間者的共鳴與思考,激發更多的碰撞火花,產生 更多的引發思考與共鳴的空間。Wenye Design is a company dedicated to integrating philosophy into the design space, triggering the resonance and thinking of space users and those who enter the space, stimulating more collision sparks, and generating more thinking and resonance.PHILOSOPHY DESIGN每一片磚都猶如藝術品,是對生活的凝練與升華,經過哲學思辨而產生引發思考的產物?!?點擊進入DPI進口館DPI定位于“進口瓷磚”,致力于原裝進口高端建材產品,打造進口建材產品運營平臺,為國內客戶構筑一種優雅、奢華的生活方式,現已經代理了意大利rex銳思瓷磚、意大利CERIM希銳瓷磚、西班牙GRESPANIA帕尼亞瓷磚三大國際瓷磚品牌。