堅定信心 | 簡一連續7年受邀出征博洛尼亞展

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9月26日-30日,為期五天的意大利博洛尼亞陶瓷衛浴展CERSAIE 2022落下帷幕。簡一作為中國高端大理石瓷磚品牌中的翹楚,連續第七年受邀出征,攜大規格黃金產品及密縫連紋技術成果亮相。與國際品牌同臺,引領世界瓷磚設計新趨勢。From September 26th to 30th, the CERSAIE 2022 in Bologna came to an end. As a leading brand of China's high-end marble tile industry, GANI was invited to attend the Exhibition for the seventh consecutive year, presenting the large slab series and the technological breakthrough in seamless-joint pavement.大國品牌,堅定信心A Pillar Brand of a Great Power意大利博洛尼亞展創辦于1983年,被譽為“全球陶瓷行業風向標”。據了解,本屆博洛尼亞展共開放15個展館,匯聚600余家參展商參展,民族品牌簡一自受邀后從未缺席。面對不斷下行的環境,簡一仍然以積極的姿態乘勢而上,堅定信心,重振開局,在國際舞臺注入中國品牌的正能量!Founded in 1983, CERSAIE has been known as the Bellwether of the global ceramic industry. The CERSAIE 2022 accommodated a total of 15 exhibition halls, bringing together more than 600 exhibitors, and GANI has been one of them. In the face of a challenging environment,GANI still marches on with positivity and confidence to revive the whole industry.簡一作為中國高端民族品牌走向世界舞臺,一直積極探索高端瓷磚發展風向,以密縫連紋工藝引領新概念大趨勢。立美學之意,擷自然之美,塑藝術之境,展示中國“民族品牌”硬核實力,同時給陶瓷人帶來一次恰到好處的美好體驗。As a Chinese high-end brand thatinvented seamless-jointtechnology, GANI remains committed to fulfilling global customers’needs and providing them with a more comfortable and pleasurable home.簡一展位現場花絮返璞歸真,震撼人心Nature &Simplicity在本屆博洛尼亞展會上,簡一以“回歸本真·悅享自然”的產品理念對大理石瓷磚作出了詮釋。在此次展位設計中,靈感源自于大理石建筑最佳應用“古希臘廟宇”進行主題設計。Inspired by the Parthenon which boasts the finest and first architectural application of marble, GANI STAND was featured by Nature and Simplicity in design.設計旨在延續古希臘建筑的藝術造詣,以大理石瓷磚作為主材,以圍廊式的建筑特點對大理石瓷磚進行環繞展示,成功把廟宇的莊嚴大氣與大理石瓷磚的自然簡約相融合。The Standwasdesigned in theancientGreekstylewith marble tiles, a central “naos” surrounded by a column path “peristilio”, combining classic and modern styles.關鍵亮點詞Highlights“黃金大規格”、“隨機連紋”、“密縫”Golden Means, Random Connected Veins,Seamless-Joint Pavement簡一碧海伽藍、四季綠洲、皇家藍、新皇室灰等多款產品紛紛亮相,獨特紋理和天然質感在0.5mm密縫連紋技術加持下被無限放大。隨機無限連紋空間呈現在參展客人眼前,自然銜接的紋理帶來無限延伸的視覺開闊感,實現“無論多少片就像一整片”的“無限”美感。Locke Blue Grey, Four Seasons, Azul Macaubas, New Silver Fantasy made a stunning show on the stand with their unique veins andthemeticulous0.5mmseamless-jointpavement. One piece of the products can reach the ceiling, creating anaturaland harmonious beauty of infinity.大規格黃金尺寸應用900X2700mm碧海伽藍成展會焦點Big Slab Wow PieceLocke Blue Grey - most eye-catching piece簡一展館以中央展臺為中心,前后設計了2.7米高的長墻,為參觀者留下了不間斷的大理石紋理。值得一提的是,900x2700mm大規格碧海伽藍成為本次展會的焦點,吸引了眾多國際友人駐足欣賞。大規格黃金尺寸的空間應用被完美呈現在現場,一片到頂,大氣連貫,配合0.5mm密縫連紋效果實現了一面墻就像一片瓷磚的視覺效果。The perimeter ring was paved with 900x2700mm slabs, among which Locke Blue Grey was the piece that attracted the most audience. The 0.5mmseamless-joint pavement made it look like one piece paved to the ceiling and thus created a larger space.核心技術支撐CoreTechnology密縫鋪貼 方寸間實現極致開闊Seamless-Joint Pavement除了有黃金大規格產品展示外,簡一在密縫技術與空間細節上的處理依舊追求極致。簡一展館內,特別設計了讓參觀者身臨其境的 “密縫連紋”洽談區,由三面墻包圍成的半封閉式的空間,內含巧思,將0.5毫米密縫連紋技術發揮到極致,整體效果不言而喻。All products in GANI stand were paved with the GANI Seamless Joint Paving Technique. The gap between the tiles made an infinite beauty by almost invisible joints – 0.5mm. It nurtured an immersive experience of an ethereal space.此外,“隨機連紋”展示臺特別設計了互動板塊,放置8個版面一套的隨機連紋瓷磚小樣,每個版面瓷磚都編有相應序號,以便觀展者可以清晰地看到效果并直接證明這一版面特性。The interactive equipment showed the 8-pattern sample in connected veins directly.毋庸置疑,簡一在過去的十三年里,一直研發、設計、生產和應用大理石瓷磚,在專注單品類的基礎上不斷迭代升級。打開產品邊界、突破瓷磚工藝技術,引領高端大理石瓷磚的發展趨勢成為簡一持續前行的重要課題。Thereisno doubt that in the past 13 years, GANI has been developing, designing and producing marble tiles. It will stick to technological breakthroughs in pavement and product upgrade, leading the trend of high-end marble tiles.今年,簡一迎難而上努力突破局限,緊抓每一次機遇,以積極心態尋找與變化的共存之道。在不確定性中堅韌亮相,讓世界看見簡一。這種韌性是簡一品牌自信的信號,更是有力地書寫著中國品牌的精神,堅定信心,全力以赴迎接未來的挑戰。Despitetheadverse environment, GANI will seize every opportunity and strive on making breakthroughs with stamina and confidence, to become one of the pillars of a great nation, China!