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Link在“大道至簡、回歸自然”背景下,豪宅的本質并不在氣質外揚,而是注重展現生命力,每一處細節,還原建筑中文化精神追求。One寧靜 · 品質該住宅由澳大利亞設計工作室Inarc設計,工作室將前身為澳洲風格的別墅改造成了一個輕松、溫馨和功能性的家庭住宅。室內設計整體以悠閑的澳大利亞生活方式為基礎,為房主創造了一個擁有永恒品質的家,充分利用了每一寸空間。The residence was designed by Australian Design Studio inarc, which transformed the former Australian style villa into a relaxed, quiet and functional family residence. Based on the leisurely Australian lifestyle, the interior design creates a home with eternal quality for the homeowner, making full use of every inch of space.Two柔和 · 純粹房屋經過設計師的重新配置,將其迷宮般的布局改造為一個平靜而隨和的綠洲。Artedomus色彩豐富的地磚通過拱形門口鋪平了道路,蜂蜜般柔和的色調與木質材料的自然純粹,造就了這個溫馨優雅的現代居所。The house has been reconfigured by the designer, transforming its labyrinth like layout into a calm and easy-going oasis. Artedomus's colorful floor tiles pave the way through the arched door. The soft color like honey and the natural purity of wood materials create this warm and elegant modern residence.Three溫暖 · 開放房屋的整體布局較為緊湊,廚房和餐廳面向露臺一側的庭院,自然光滲入,為整個區域提供開放感。木質墻面、地板和細木工的內斂飾面營造出柔軟溫暖的氛圍,而大理石材料的運用,調和了空間的質感,掛畫與花藝則擔當綠葉點綴意境,增加設計的層次感。The overall layout of the house is relatively compact. The kitchen and dining room face the courtyard on the side of the terrace, and natural light penetrates, providing an open feeling for the whole area. The introverted finishes of wood walls, floors and joinery create a soft and warm atmosphere, while the use of marble materials reconciles the texture of the space, while hanging pictures and flower art act as green leaves to embellish the artistic conception and increase the sense of hierarchy of the design.Four質樸 · 自然在Inarc充分的前瞻性思維與耐心細致的設計下,室內與環境相融合,在私人空間和周圍自然之間建立有意義的聯系,從歲月中走來,奔赴質樸而自然的意境。With inarc's full forward-looking thinking and patient and meticulous design, the interior and the environment are integrated, establishing a meaningful connection between the private space and the surrounding nature, and moving forward to the simple and natural artistic conception through the years.(文章來源:建E室內設計網)