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Link House沉浸在郁郁蔥蔥的花園中,由兩座延續至今的舊時代建筑組成,有其獨特的風格。Powell & Glenn將現居者的個性特質與自在流動的室內外空間完美地交融在一起。Immersed within a lush garden, Link House fuses two existing old era buildings together with a distinct and intentional style. Powell & Glenn carefully integrates the personality of the home’s owners with an effortless flow between inside and outside.CHAPTER 1.living roomLink House利用建筑與自然之間的緊密聯系,創造了一個貫穿整個場地的藝術新形式。Link House utilises a close collaboration between the built and the natural to create a new artistic form that traverses the site in its entirety.Myles Baldwin設計的硬質景觀, 沉浸在輕盈充沛的自然氛圍中,在家庭生活空間與戶外空間的過渡連接中發揮了重要的作用。Softened by the surrounding natural elements, the landscape design by Myles Baldwin Design plays a crucial role in extending the living spaces of the home into the outdoor space.該住宅位于墨爾本,在其入口處的結構組織方面進行了適當擴展,并將當代的藝術風格與充滿底蘊的歷史細節兩相融合。Powell & Glenn從住宅的迭代歷程中汲取靈感,創造了新住宅的體驗。Located in Melbourne, the home expands on the structure’s crafted beginnings, marrying contemporary artistic stylewith historic details. Powell & Glenn draws inspiration from the homes’ previous iterations in establishing the experience of the new residence.Link House 由兩個獨立的聯邦風格建筑單體組合而成。其周圍的部分畫廊和花園景觀,與居住內部環境形成動態對比——增添了大多數住宅項目所沒有的維度感和復雜性。Link House emerges from the combination of two separate Federation-style homes. Part gallery and part garden oasis, the spaces provide a dynamic contrast to the lived environment – adding dimension and intrigue absent in most residential projects.業主是本土新興藝術的熱情擁護者,他們希望他們的家能夠進行藝術品的陳列展示,徜徉在當地藝術的海洋中。Keen supporters of local and emerging artistic talent, the owners wanted their home to facilitate curated displays and allow themselves to be surrounded by local art.CHAPTER 2.kitchen改造后的廚房散發著一種迷人的清新感,以干凈的線條和大膽的元素進行勾勒。腳下使用了堅固耐用的石材和寬大溫暖的天然木板——中性材料基礎確保了定期換置藝術品的便利性。The newly sculpted kitchen exudes an aesthetic crispness, featuring clean lines and a bold elemental approach. Expansive stone pieces and wide natural timber boards are used underfoot – a neutral material base ensures regularly changing artwork is easily facilitated.CHAPTER 3.bedroom臥室,通透純凈的白色玻璃窗,將室內外有機相連。陽光的浸潤和與通達可見的花園景色加深了空間的感知度。In the bedroom, an indoor-outdoor connection is experienced through the integration of glass. The drenching of sunlight and visual connection to the garden enhances the perceived depth of spaces.色調以白色為主。素白的床品,雕塑感的花蕾形臺燈,與清透的紗簾使得空間蕩漾在一方澄明的境地中。明黃色的躺椅與窗外的綠景相互映襯,一派春意生生。The color used is mainly white. Plain white bedding, sculptural bud-shaped lamp, and clear gauze curtain makes the space rippling in a clear atmosphere. The bright yellow recliner and the green scene outside the window set off each other, creating an atmosphereof vivid spring .CHAPTER 4.bathroom浴室以黑白灰作為主色。大理石墻體與臺面,銀色金屬裝飾,深灰色磨砂感地面,簡約而高級,清冷而無聲。The bathroom is mainly black, white and gray. Marble walls and countertops, silver metal decoration and dark gray matteground, making it simple and advanced, cool and silent.CHAPTER 5.outer space通過異彩紛呈的當地藝術品,溫暖的自然光和郁郁蔥蔥的景觀,Link House 成為一個充滿活力的當代舞臺。Link House becomes a dynamic contemporary stage brought to life by colourful local artwork, natural light and lush landscaping.通過對自然及與它發生作用的構成元素的深入思考,Powell & Glenn 創造了一個韻味獨特的家,將其悠久的歷史注入到當下發展的敘事中。Through the considered nature with which the comprising elements interact, Powell & Glenn creates a distinctive home that put its historic past into its present narration.THE END.(文章來源:建E室內設計網)