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CHAPTER 01Entrance受自然界生態系統的啟發,Fitzroy North 以親和的姿態融于自然。Studio May 調用自然感光和有凝聚力的自然色調為這座現存的維多利亞式住宅注入溫暖?;▓@的姹紫嫣紅,印刻在ArtDeco風格的彩繪玻璃窗上,將美好的春天永恒定格。點點光線透過浮紋質感的玻璃,在墻面上灑下斑駁光暈,晃動情感的漣漪。CHAPTER 02Living RoomFROZENMOMENTFitzroy North 坐落于墨爾本北部該住宅整體空間形態傾向于L型并向周圍郁郁蔥蔥的景觀開放Fitzroy North 的設計兼顧功能與形式,適應了居住者的生活方式。通過對空間布局的重新配置,加大空間開放度,從而提升家庭凝聚力。Fitzroy North is combined functionalitywith aesthetics and accommodates the lifestyle of its occupants. Through an internal reconfiguration of the existing, the focus of the home was to bring its occupants together.通過將空間主要體量延展到后方,起居室、餐廳和廚房自在相和,自然共處。此外,允許住宅向外部的自然景觀開放,有助于維持和調節溫度,減少對能源的依賴性。By expanding on the main volume to the rear, the living, dining and kitchen spaces better converse with one another to allow for a natural cohabitation. Moreover, allowing the home to open to the elements plays a part in maintaining and controlling temperature, overlaying a reduced reliance on energy across the seasons.客廳,溫暖的橡木臺面上安放著三兩本靜待翻閱的書。大地色調的暗紋肌理畫,盛物的木造器皿,暗黑色的葉形小盞,一物一器,點點滴滴,自然氣息撲面而來。In the living room, on a warm oak countertop, lay a couple of books waiting to be read. Dark texture of the earth-tone painting, wooden utensils, dark leaf-shaped plate, bit by bit, create a natural atmosphere.CHAPTER 03KitchenFROZENMOMENT新的橡木地板給空間鍍上了溫暖的光芒平衡了白色的空乏無縫地流向生活空間為使生活區內部空間彼此建立更深的聯系,我們與客戶合作開發了一個簡約低調的配色方案,其耐用而優雅。To buildgreater connection createdin the living spaces, we worked with the client to develop a simple and fuss free palette, durable yet elegant.暖白色的集成式櫥柜隱藏有豐富的儲物空間,這是廚房改造的關鍵部分。Warm white integrated cabinetry conceals abundant storage, a key part of the kitchen's renovation.橡木細膩的質感隱射了設計隱藏的細節,有待住戶去發掘。新的橡木地板給空間增添了溫暖的氣息,平衡了白色的單陳乏味,無縫地向其他生活空間過渡。Accents of oak joinery implicitly revealhidden detailing and allow the client to explore.New oak flooring forms a warm glow to the spaces and balances the white aesthetic, flowing seamlessly to the living spaces.CHAPTER 04Dining RoomFROZENMOMENT個性鮮明的大理石島臺為這個忙碌的家庭提供了一個非正式的用餐中心是明亮開放的娛樂空間的一大亮點新的用餐區足夠寬,可以容下一張柔軟的沙發床,其與甲板和游泳池相鄰,為該住宅的空間演繹提供了新的邏輯。The new dining area was wide enough to integrate a soft day bed, with a key adjacency to the deck & pool, giving a new logic to the spatial deduction of the existing building .CHAPTER 05BedroomFROZENMOMENT棉麻材質的床品布藝是助眠入睡的最佳伴侶一室素白,光潔如玉以純凈,療愈心靈舊柯定制的旋轉玻璃門屏蔽了走廊的視線,并采用吸音材料,從聲學意義上分隔了臥室和書房空間,同時從前門構筑了一個新的視野。Custom pivot glass doors close off the hallway, and acoustically divide the bedrooms and study spaces, whilst framing a new view from the front door.CHAPTER 06Outerdoor SpaceFROZENMOMENT積極向上的生活熱氣騰騰的活著(文章來源:建E室內設計網)