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用一杯飲、一首歌、一抹余暉、一種情緒、一個難忘的時刻,調轉被忽略的視角,恢復個人世界的豐富性。01玄 / 關- ENTRANCEWAY -雖然我們并不能事事順意,得償所愿,卻總能于山窮水復之時,得到柳暗花明的豁然開朗。While sometimes things may not go according to plan, they can present some wonderful hidden opportunities for us to take advantage of.對于Mistovia的最新項目的客戶來說,生活的機緣際遇,使她遇到了Mistovia,而由此開始,種種際會,她獲得了一個愉快且完滿的家。In the case of Mistovia’s latest client, a change in living arrangements allowed them to transform her apartment into a delightful nook ready to welcome new tenants.02廚 / 房- KITCHEN -這套深諳意大利美學風格的公寓位于Katowice,面積適中,約有45 平方米,最初由兩個小空間合并而成。Located in Katowice, and measuring a modest 45 square metres, the Italian-aesthetic-inspired apartment was originally two tiny homes merged into one.廚房有一排海軍藍的儲物柜,與緊鄰的絲絨紅的窗簾和珊瑚粉的墻壁一冷一暖,兩相對比,而靜美與絢爛淋漓盡展,濃淡得宜。柜前有幾面三色鏡,它低調地安置于廚房和客廳處,光影流轉間,使空間顯得開闊而深邃,增添了些許幻覺和魅力。Besides the bathroom is a storage unit fronted with tri-coloured mirrors that subtly enlarges the space, with its volume discreetly encroaching into the living and kitchen quarters—adding illusion and oomph to the atmosphere.墻壁飾以灰調的珊瑚粉,與相鄰的銅橙色窗簾相得益彰。于廚房柜臺的防濺板上,可以捕獲到清新舒適的天藍色調。As the bathroom’s walls are framed in pink, a similar yet dustier shade of pink coral lines the kitchen wall, complimenting the adjacent copper orange curtains. Hues of comforting sky blues are found in the kitchen counter.03餐 / 廳- DINING ROOM -或許是因為廚房原先的L型布局和保留的一個古典風格書柜的頂端部件,復古成為公寓刻意而適意的特色裝扮。Perhaps it is because of the remaining top segment of a classic credenza left in the centre of the kitchen andthe kitchen once being an L-Shaped configuration , vintage became the deliberate dressing for the apartment’s character.由于該項目預算緊張,客戶精心挑選了一些復古單品,它們將與延留的古物舊器共同奏響新的樂章。With the project working within the constraints of a tighter budget, the client selectedvintage piecesthat would play for the new pieces of musicwith the remnants of the past.這些復古單品包括一個被棄置的棕色皮革IKEA沙發,兩三張現代風格黑色餐椅,和一張方圓形黑色玻璃桌。Some pieces include a retired brown leather IKEA couch sitting in conversation with the modernist sleek black chairs and chrome and black glass table ensemble.各式各樣的舊家具與業主父親精心制作的人字形橡木地板優雅地融合在一起。The assortment of thrifted furniture gracefully amalgamates with the herringbone oak hardwood floor lovingly made by the client’s father.04臥 / 室- BEDROOM -由于空間的重新布局,設計師以珊瑚色磨砂玻璃面板為框架,將臥室與衛浴間相隔,在小空間內提供輕盈感。The modification also created a new separation of the two areas with frosted glass panels framed in peachy coral, offering lightness within the small footprint.存儲空間包括一組簡約的白色置物架,它們安裝于床的對面,宛如一個小型的私人畫廊,來展示獨特的裝飾擺件。Additional storage includes a set of simple white shelves which are mounted opposite the bed, creating a personal gallery to display peculiar knick-knacks.04衛 / 浴- BATHROOM -先前的空間布局中,衛浴間位于起居區內,干濕區混雜,使用體驗不佳??臻g改造后,衛浴間重新移位到臥室空間。With the former floor plan being inflexible and the bathroom located within the living area, a reconfiguration led to the wet area being relocated more appropriately into the bedroom space.為了打破顏色的重復韻律,衛浴間采用棕色的大理石臺面,簡約靈動的跳色,使人眼前一亮。To break the monotoneof the colours, the shower and toilet area are lined with stone in contrasting shades of brown.一絲果斷、一捧熱情和一點愉悅使這個項目最終完滿的落幕通過多方位的合作和精準的審美品鑒Mistovia 打造了一個古典而摩登的優雅之家(文章來源:建E室內設計網)