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把不同時期的文化糅合,弱化具象風格;混中有序,達到視覺上的和諧與平衡,這便是折衷主義。家對居住者本身來說,他們對空間的切實需求到底是什么?是我們要討論的話題。當我們給生活做減法,那么剩下的就是純凈的感情在空間中流動。明亮通透的空間是屋主所追求,再點綴幾抹黑色,令人心情愉悅。錯落的光線鐫刻時光的痕跡,是溫馨,也是寫意。Bright and transparent space is her pursuit, embellish a few black again, make a person mood cheerful. Scattered light engraved traces of time, is warm, but also freehand brushwork.硬裝拋棄復雜的設計手法,用最簡單的狀態展示視覺效果。軟裝則以多變的形態,呈現每個區域不同的內涵及功能用途。Hard outfit abandons the complex design technique, displays the visual effect with the simplest state. Soft decoration presents different connotations and functional uses of each area in a changeable form.現代與復古元素的相互碰撞,是互相包容的折衷主義,使整個空間簡單而又豐滿。不僅僅是視覺上色塊線條的和諧交織,也是材質質感的美妙融合。The collision of modern and retro elements is the eclecticism of mutual tolerance, making the whole space simple and plump. It is not only the harmonious interweaving of color blocks and lines in vision, but also the wonderful fusion of material texture.陽臺的閱讀區或許是這個家里“人”與“空間”互動最頻繁的區域。仰躺在Hans Wagner設計的旗繩椅上,羊毛毯與冰冷的金屬材質形成反差,聽著窗外巷子里孩童的哭笑聲,時間爾爾。The reading area of the balcony is probably the most frequent area of interaction between "people" and "space" in this home. Lying back on the flagrope chair designed by Hans Wagner, the wool blanket contrasts with the cold metal material, listening to the children crying and laughing in the alley outside the window, time goes by.屋主鐘愛壁爐溫暖的氣息和歲月靜好的沉淀感。減去壁爐復雜的線條,用中性的黑白灰營造出一種整潔,克制,冷靜的氛圍感。She loved the warm smell of the fireplace and the sense of calm. Subtracting the complex lines of the fireplace, the neutral black, white and gray creates a clean, restrained and calm atmosphere.案例來源:室內設計聯盟網