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這座公寓位于雅典美麗的郊區之一,Filothei,由著名建筑工作室 Stones and Walls所設計,占據公寓樓的頂樓兩層。該工作室創造出一個現代質感空間,以滿足業主的生活方式??蛷dLIVING ROOM灰色+藍調沉靜與愜意客廳空間演繹中性極簡美學,以灰色、黑色和米色為主色調,各種色調的木材等天然材料和天鵝絨等奢華面料一起構成原始的美學效果。精心挑選的家具成為空間的主角,寶藍色沙發點綴灰色調,凸顯空間的高級質感,將沉靜與愜意融入生活。The living room space interprets neutral and minimalist aesthetics, with gray, black and beige as the main colors. Natural materials such as wood in various colors and luxury fabrics such as velvet constitute the original aesthetic effect. Carefully selected furniture becomes the protagonist of the space. The royal blue sofa is dotted with gray tones, highlighting the high-level texture of the space and integrating calmness and comfort into life.餐廚 KITCHEN黑灰+木材 質感與自然餐廚采用極簡線條設計,干凈的材質,完美的比例和強烈的色彩對比是該空間的特點。黑色背景使眼睛聚焦在灰色的島臺上,木材的運用撫平了冷色調帶來的淡漠感,質感與自然的融合賦予空間獨特的美感。The kitchen adopts minimalist line design, clean material, perfect proportion and span color contrast are the characteristics of this space. The black background makes the eyes focus on the gray island. The use of wood smoothes the indifference brought by the cold tone. The integration of texture and nature gives the space a unique aesthetic feeling.臥室&衛生間灰調+金屬 極簡與純凈