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設計團隊將了柔軟的、雕塑感的家具和裝飾照明融入空間,增強了藝術品的趣味性。The design team incorporated soft, sculptural furnishings and decorative lighting that enhance the playful artwork.同時,基于對客戶的理想生活方式的充分理解,來精心統籌和布局空間。Meanwhile,they wisely arrange space based on a now innate understanding of the way the clients desire to live.輕盈的木材和溫暖的金屬飾面貫穿空間始終,創造了一種平靜、樸實、自然的共性敘事方式。Light wood and warm metal finishes are repeated throughout the residence, creating a common style of narrationwith calm, earthy, natural tones.在建筑的現有架構內進行設計改造,則需要采用一種如外科手術般的精確方法,它包含照明系統更新、AV集成和木制品定制等方方面面。更具體點說,從開放式起居室的柜架和電視存儲層,再到主浴室的定制金屬物件和玻璃隔板,均包含在內。Working within the building’s existing architecture meant a surgically precise approach to updated lighting, AV integration and custom millwork and so an. To make it more specific, it includes from the open living room shelving and TV storage unit to a custom metal-and-glass apothecary divider in the primary bathroom.MOMENT ——Enjoy The MomentUNIT THREEUnit Three廚房像是一幅由輕質木材和混凝土制成的自然風景畫。質樸天然的白色大理石操作臺與淺木色地板,是天生的捕光容器,交織處一派影影綽綽的光影變幻。The kitchen resembles a natural landscape made of lightweight wood and concrete. The natural white marble countertop and light-wooden floor are born to be the light catcher, which is full of shadowy beauty.UNIT ONEUnit Four坐在餐廳的灰面絨布椅上,手持一杯清香四溢的素茶,透過可自由推拉的玻璃隔門,即可一邊與閑客談笑人生,一邊感受廚房中,漫溢在陽光下的煙火溫度。Sitting on a grey velvet chair in the dining room, holding acup with fragrant tea, through a sliding glass partition door, one can enjoy life while chatting with the guests, and meanwhile feel , in the kitchen, the temperature of daily life overflowing in the sun.UNIT FIVEUnit Five臥室素雅而純凈。低調質樸的裸感白,詮釋著簡約而豐盈的美學理念。連一貫熠熠生輝、鋒芒畢露的黃銅配飾,浸潤在這一派靜謐的純凈空間里,而顯得愈發溫文如玉。迎著晨光,擺上幾株猶帶朝露的花,手持幾卷愛不釋手的書,方能不負這大好時光。The bedroom is elegant and pure. simple and naked white, interpretessimple and rich aesthetic beauty. Even the shining and sharp brass accessories, infiltrated in thisquiet and pure space, appear more gentle like jade.案例來源:建e網