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Woods + Dangaran修復了俯瞰洛杉磯 San Fernando Valley的山頂別墅,強調住宅的溫暖物質性和現代宜居性。Woods + Dangaran restore a hilltop villaoverlooking Los Angeles’ San Fernando Valley, emphasising warm materialityandcontemporary liveability.俯瞰San Fernando Valley(當地人簡稱為“The Valley”),周圍遍及蔥蘢的原生植木,Clear Oak 的地理選址意義非凡。Overlooking the San Fernando Valley, or “The Valley” as the locals call it, surrounded by native plants and trees, Clear Oak’s site is monumental.借覽加州的地標性景觀——San Gabriel 和 Santa Susana 山脈的全景風光——Woods + Dangaran工作室把握了每一個可以將住宅與周圍環境聯系起來的機會。With wrap-around views of the San Gabriel and Santa Susana mountains – hallmarks of the Californian landscape – Woods + Dangaran have embraced every opportunity to connect the home to its surroundings.充滿復古氣息的Minotti沙發懶洋洋靠在綴有復古圖案的銅絲粗毛地毯上。一旁的樹樁形圓幾與沙發比鄰相依,其上的玻璃杯中茶香四溢,其杯尚溫。A retro patterned Minotti sofa rests upon a copper silk-shag rug in the textural living room. A round tea table is placed near the sofa,with a glass of fragrant tea on it.NATURE&PURITY空間上,設計師對建筑外觀進行了較小的干預措施:包括對屋頂線的重新配置(以塑造在地而流線型的輪廓),以及擴大門廊和窗戶面積,包括落地玻璃門(以優化景觀視野)。同時對平面布局進行了較大的調整,全力打造開放式空間,并極大滿足客戶以娛樂為導向的生活方式。Minor architectural interventions include a slight reconfiguration of the roofline, as well as enlarged doorways and windows, including floor-to-ceiling glass doors. More significant changes were made to the floor plan to open spaces up and support the client’s entertainment-oriented lifestyle.簡約樸致的操作臺以溫暖的柚木,鋪陳出溫暖人心的煙火氣息。The Bassam Fellows Tractor stool offers variation to the warm teak found in the kitchen ,laying out a warm atmosphere of daily life.在外部,Woods + Dangaran 選用了由透明氧化鋁、石膏、石灰華和柚木組成的材料調色方案?!斑@種視覺上的克制把控滲透到了家庭各個空間的寧靜氛圍中,”Woods + Dangaran 聯合總監 Brett Woods 說。Externally, Woods + Dangaran kept a minimal material palette of clear anodised aluminium, plaster, travertine and teak. “This visual restraint manifests in a serene ambience that permeates all aspects of the home,” Woods + Dangaran co-director Brett Woods says.清透感木色扇形椅和六張淺咖色會議椅靜置于餐桌旁,流露出自然的精致感。白色天花板上懸掛著兩個線形點狀吊燈。The Knoll Platner side chair and Saarinen Conference chair exude effortless sophistication next to a custom dining table. Two Apparatus Arrow pendants hang from the ceiling.“我們著手創造一個現代而又永恒的環境,偏愛自帶輕松奢華感的天然材料,”Brett說?!癢e set out to create an environment that felt distinctly modern yet timeless, favouring natural materials that exude an effortless luxury,”Brett says.NATURE&PURITYClear Oak的空間設計,以體現溫暖的物質性和當代宜居性為設計要旨,通過自由而熱情的巴西現代主義手法,得以完美演繹。這個設計思路源于在整個空間中發現的大量溫暖材料,主要是豐富的柚木。Clear Oak’s spatial design,prioritising warm materiality and contemporary liveability, is perfectly created by means of Brazilian modernism .The ideaborn from the warm materials found throughout the home; primarily the rich teak.房主熱情滿溢的生活方式,比如持續的旅行和社交,通過一系列溫馨的空間得以流露和展現。臥室里充滿了復古而現代的藝術擺件,其中有幾件是私人定制的。The homeowner’s exciting lifestyle, constantly travelling and socialising, is supported through a coalescence of inviting and homely spaces, filled with both vintage and contemporary art pieces – several custom-made.房主從世界各地收集的個人藝術品自由散布在空間各處,使家充滿活力和傳奇色彩。His personal collection of objets d’art from various corners of the world is scattered throughout, making the home feel lived-in and storied.石灰華墻壁和通透的天窗開辟出一方寧靜愜意的浴室空間。A travertine wall and skylight make for a reposeful bathroom space.Poetic Oasis——終有綠洲搖曳在沙漠連綿起伏的山坡上,低矮而流暢的建筑外輪廓形成了自然的突起,將景觀展現得淋漓盡致。The home’s low-lying and streamlined profile creates a natural protrusion from the hillside, showing the landscape in its full glory.(文章來源:建E室內設計網)