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近日,由國際展望聯合會、中國經濟信息社和印度尼西亞國家研究與創新署聯合主辦的國際展望大會(巴厘島2022)以線上為主、線下為輔的方式在印度尼西亞舉辦。民族品牌東易日盛集團董事長陳輝線上出席了“數字經濟與產業數字化變革”分論壇,中英文雙語報道將東易日盛先進的數字化理念傳至國際領域!△東易日盛集團董事長陳輝在國際展望大會將東易日盛先進的數字化理念傳至國際領域!東易日盛集團董事長陳輝國際展望大會英文主旨演講報道原文Abstract :Digital transformation is a profound change and a "cross-generational" enhancement of traditional business value for the home decoration industry, says Chen Hui, chairman of Dong Yi Rising-Sun Home Decoration Group Co., Ltd. (002713.SZ).Chen Hui, chairman of Dong Yi Rising-Sun Home Decoration Group Co., Ltd., attends online the NEXT Summit (Bali 2022) kicking off on September 29 in Bali, Indonesia, and delivers a speech.BEIJING, Sept. 30 (Xinhua) -- Digital transformation is a profound change and a "cross-generational" enhancement of traditional business value for the home decoration industry, says Chen Hui, chairman of Dong Yi Rising-Sun Home Decoration Group Co., Ltd. (002713.SZ).Chen made the remark at the sub-forum on digital economy and industrial digital transformation of the NEXT Summit (Bali 2022) kicking off on Thursday in Indonesia's resort island of Bali.He took Dong Yi Rising-Sun Home Decoration Group Co., Ltd. as an example and explained in detail how digital transformation solves the pain points of the home decoration industry and leads its quality and efficiency improvement.Digitization has solved the standardization problem of home decoration design, noted Chen, adding that with the help of digital technology, the home decoration design of the company has moved from 2D to 3D, creating standardized design schemes by binding a large amount of information involving process, methods and supply chains, etc. to digital models, which lays a foundation for good interactions."In the past, making a design required repeated communications, modifications and quotations from floor plans to renderings, which was time-consuming and costly in communication. With digitization, companies can sign contracts with customers after only two or three meetings, greatly saving time for both parties, and enterprises can devote more time and energy to improving service quality," said Chen.According to him, to satisfy personalized decoration needs of customers, the company utilizes VR technology to realize roaming of customers in a virtual room at any angle and at any pace and real-time quotation according to choices of customers, and the decoration scheme can be basically determined after the roaming.Speaking of the future development of thehome decoration industry, Chen Hui believes that the industry has entered the stage of digital and intelligent development, and in the future, the industry will be further integrated with artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies to create more convenient and intelligent consumption experience for people.It's learned that Dong Yi Rising-Sun Home Decoration Group Co., Ltd. was founded in 1997, and is the first A-share listed home decoration brand in the industry in China. It has been listed as one of China's top 500 most valuable brands for many consecutive years, with a brand value up to 32.128 billion yuan.The NEXT Summit (Bali 2022) was co-hosted by the NEXT Federation, China Economic Information Service of Xinhua News Agency as well as the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) of Indonesia.Themed on "Global Change and Rebuilding Collaboration", it attracted officials, scholars and entrepreneurs from more than ten countries and regions to share ideas on development of key industries and international cooperation.東易日盛集團董事長陳輝國際展望大會中文主旨演講報道原文近日,由國際展望聯合會、中國經濟信息社和印度尼西亞國家研究與創新署聯合主辦的國際展望大會(巴厘島2022)以線上為主、線下為輔的方式在印度尼西亞舉辦。東易日盛集團董事長陳輝線上出席了“數字經濟與產業數字化變革”分論壇并發言。東易日盛集團董事長陳輝線上出席國際展望大會并發言陳輝在發言中表示,數字化轉型對于家裝行業是一場深刻變革,是對傳統業務價值的“跨代式”提升。陳輝以東易日盛為例,詳細講解了數字化變革如何解決家裝行業痛點,引領行業提質增效?!皵底只鉀Q了家裝設計的標準化問題?!标愝x指出,過去家裝行業在設計中存在“量房量不準、畫圖畫不全、列項列不對、算量誤差大”等問題。如今,在數字化技術的加持下,東易日盛的家裝設計從二維走向三維,通過將工藝、工法、節點、供應鏈等大量信息與數字化模型綁定,搭建出標準化的設計方案,這為良好的交互打下了基礎。除設計方面外,東易日盛還實現了從營銷到工廠生產、現場施工、配送安裝等全方面、全流程的數字化轉型,使企業管理進一步走向精細化、可視化,同時大大提高了企業效率?!斑^去做一套設計,從平面圖到效果圖,需要經過反反復復的溝通、修改和報價,耗時長、溝通成本高。數字化以后,僅需兩三次會面,企業便可與客戶簽訂合同,極大節省了雙方時間,企業得以把更多的時間和精力用于提升服務質量?!标愝x表示。當下,越來越個性化的裝修需求也給家裝行業帶來了挑戰,針對市場新需求,東易日盛的“數裝模式”(基于數字化體驗的家裝)為客戶提供了優質的家裝體驗。陳輝介紹,以往的家裝消費,客戶需等到完工才能看到裝修的效果,而東易日盛的真家裸眼VR云臺,可供用戶在虛擬房間內進行任意角度、任意節奏的漫游,并根據客戶選擇的變化進行實時報價,漫游完成方案基本確定,真正實現了“到店十分鐘,預見未來家”。談及行業未來發展,陳輝認為,家裝行業已邁入數智化階段,未來,家裝行業將與人工智能等先進科技進一步融合,為人們創造更便捷、更智能的消費體驗。據介紹,東易日盛成立于1997年,是中國業內首家A股上市的家裝品牌,連續多年入選“中國最具價值品牌500強”榜單,品牌價值高達321.28億元。多年來,東易日盛始終領跑國內家裝行業數字化轉型,先后打造了數字化深化設計系統DIM+、星耀銷售APP、星耀客戶APP、星耀工程APP、星耀SaaS、真家4D云設計、天眼系統等先進技術應用。國際展望大會(巴厘島2022)由國際展望聯合會、中國經濟信息社和印度尼西亞國家研究創新署共同主辦。本次大會以“大變革與再融合”為主題,來自中國、印度尼西亞、新西蘭、美國、新加坡、韓國、英國、德國、埃及、巴基斯坦、吉爾吉斯斯坦、格魯吉亞、馬來西亞等十余個國家和地區的國際政要、專家學者、商界領袖,圍繞諸多產業領域發表演講和分享案例,展望重點產業的前沿動態,探索國際合作的發展方向。