蘇州新概念設計 | 宮西牛神 · 新潮日式餐飲空間

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GONGXI NIUSHEN宮西牛神“已知的是當下,未知的是未來”烤肉是原始人類進化的基礎??臼斓娜庀闵畈卦诿恳粋€人的靈魂里,這是幾個世紀以來甚至永遠的未來中最受歡迎的香味。本案設計師脫離日式的傳統印象,在原始和現代中尋找新的平衡點,將過去和未來的雙重空間體驗重新組合后一起表達。以灰、白、木色等基礎材質為主色調,激發消費者內心的食欲。頂面貫穿的屏幕有著平面和三維的組合,透發出未來感。用紅色作為空間跳色,營造出一個日式空間的儀式感和氛圍感,給人時尚新穎、簡約素凈的用餐體驗。在純凈的空間里體驗原始的味道,頂面屏幕里又傳達出每人對于烤肉不同的體驗和選擇。Barbecue is the product of human evolution. Humansoulsis deeply enchanted by the barbecue, which will be more and more popular .In order to seek the dual spatial experience of the past and future together after recombination,the designer of this case strayed from the conventional image of Japanese style and looked for a new balance between the primitive and modern. Gray, white, and wood are employed as the primary hues to pique the inner appetite of the client. A sense of the future is emitted by the screen on the top surface, which combines flat and three-dimensional elements. Red is selected as the space's main color to evoke ritual and atmosphere.宮西牛神門頭以富有結構和序列的不銹鋼和金屬簾組成。不銹鋼的獨特質感帶來無法忽視的視覺震撼感,金屬簾讓內部空間形成了“猶抱琵琶半遮面”的效果,激發了過路人向內探索的好奇心,二者的結合構成了入店用餐的儀式感。Stainless steel and metal curtains with a complex structure and sequence make up Miyashi Niujin's entryway. The ritual of entering the restaurant is formed by the combination of the distinctive texture of stainless steel, which creates a visually arresting feeling that cannot be ignored, and the metal curtain, which gives the interior space the appearance of "holding a lute half hidden" and piques the curiosity of onlookers to explore the interior.前廳區域引入清雅沉穩的木元素,格柵的有序排列鋪敘出日式禪意的層次美感。米白色墻面以其簡素雅致的特質與木飾面結合,構建出一個溫潤、質樸的日式茶室。通過強調平和優雅的日式氛圍與金屬門頭形成強烈的視覺感官反差,給顧客留下深刻的記憶點。Elegant and serene wood materials are included in the front room area, and the grille's tidy organization brings forth the beauty of Japanese Zen layers. A cozy and homey Japanese tea room is created by the beige wall's simple, elegant quality and the wood finish. Customers are left with a lasting memory because it highlights the serene and beautiful Japanese ambiance and the metal gateway to create a strong visual and sensual contrast.店內的用餐區域被劃分為散座區和包廂,由原始的質感的墻面和不銹鋼材質組成。燈帶將鏡面墻體進行分割,在燈光的配合下與場域內的景物交相輝映,呈現出不同的光澤感的未來感體塊的棱角與凹凸,在空間的內與外之間新構藝術感知。The restaurant's dining area is divided between a lounge and a private dining room, both of which include original textured walls and stainless steel furnishings. With the assistance of lighting and the surrounding environment, light strips split the mirrored walls, presenting the angles and concavities of the futuristic body with various glossy sensations, and creating a new creative impression between the inside and outside of the space.散座區中心,設計師用LED滾動屏打造店內的點睛之處,對空間進行新的定義和詮釋。紅與白的色彩組合,既有暖色調的明艷大方,又有中性色彩的克制與高級感,令裝置充滿了生命力,使空間成為獨具風格的沉浸式消費場景。The designer added the finishing touch to the store by using LED scrolling screens in the middle of the retail seating area, giving the area a new definition and interpretation. With the vivid generosity of warm tones and the restraint and upscale feel of neutral hues, the color combination of red and white transforms the room into an immersive consumption setting with a distinctive aesthetic.餐廳的主要空間皆以日式和風與潮玩元素結合為主基調,不銹鋼和木材的相互襯托,使空間趨于沉穩氣質。具有架構元素的紅色柱體參考日式鳥居進行設計,為空間注入和風的就餐氛圍,LED滾動屏則為空間增添了新潮和趣味性。墻面的佛經設計,賦予了空間精神層面的升華,予人探究事物內在意義,洞察真善美本質的精神追求。The restaurant's main area is built around a fusion of modern and Japanese design elements. Stainless steel and wood work well together to create a serene atmosphere. The area is given a Japanese dining ambience by the red pillars with architectural details inspired by Japanese torii, while the LED scrolling screen gives it a modern feel. The layout of the Buddhist scriptures on the wall imbues the area with spiritual sublimation, inspiring individuals to engage in a spiritual quest to discover things' deeper spiritual meanings and gain understanding of the core of goodness, truth, and beauty.長虹玻璃在空間中起到隔斷、銜接區域的作用,自帶模糊的霧面因失焦形成了獨特的朦朧美感,為顧客構建出相對獨立的私密空間。包間以日式風格的寧靜、質樸為主調,搭配簡潔淡雅的魚鱗紋,搭建出一個擁有意境之美的交流空間。Changhong glass serves as a divider and a means of connecting different parts of the room, and the self-blurred matte surface it creates thanks to defocusing gives clients a space that is largely independent and private. To create a communication space with the beauty of atmosphere, the private room is decorated in the calm and simplicity of Japanese style, with a simple and elegant fish scale pattern.我們自由大膽地建構空間,空間也意志靈性地建構我們,已知的是當下,未知的是未來,前沿的是先鋒,自由的是藝術。The present is known, the future is unknown, the frontier is the pioneer, and the art is free;we create the space boldly and freely , and the space creates us spiritually as well.項目名稱|宮西牛神Project Name | Gong Xi Niu Shen項目地點|蘇州市鄰瑞廣場Project Location | Suzhou Neorui Plaza項目面積|251 ㎡Project Area | 251 ㎡完成時間|2021年8月Completion Date | August 2021項目材質 |不銹鋼、木材、石材、藝術玻璃、質感漆Project Material | Stainless steel, wood, stone, art glass, textured paint設計團隊|王琛、吳元駿、苗雅咪、姚美麗Design Team | Wang Chen, Wu Yuanjun, Miao Yami, Yao Meili王琛蘇州新概念裝飾設計工程有限公司 總監蘇州裝飾設計行業協會 理事中國農工民主黨 黨員中國室內注冊設計師中級工程師曾獲榮譽2021辦公室創新設計大獎2021 SYDNEY DESIGN AWARDS2021 金創意設計大獎2021 GRP DESIGN AWARD2021 WORLD DESIGN AWARDS2021 MUSE 鉑金獎2021 40 UNDER 40 中國(江蘇)設計杰出青年2021 G-award 蘇州Top 102021 艾鼎國際設計大獎2021 IAI Design Award 金獎2021 艾特獎 餐飲商業類別2021 設計頭條 Top100 蘇州城市榜2020 40 UNDER 40 中國(蘇州)設計杰出青年2020 芒果獎 中國商業優勝獎2020 華鼎獎 餐飲空間類 金獎2020 40 UNDER 40 中國(江蘇)設計杰出青年2020 蘇州好設計大賽 年度優秀商業空間設計2020 蘇州好設計大賽 年度最佳商業空間設計蘇州新概念設計工程有限公司致力于建筑空間設計、施工的探索與實踐,于潮流、經營、策略、市場形態等諸多方面審視應變以求精準,于執業方法論上醉心于本土語言的國際化敘述并力求創新。在酒店、餐飲、零售、辦公、住宅等不同空間場所經典案例屢現。不斷挖掘創造各種文化對建筑和空間的追求與表達。始終堅持以文化為架構,以設計做表現,商業來傳達溝通服務于每個企業。通過新型工藝施工、潮流材料應用、現在運作管理、竣工后續支持,我們力求空間價值最大化的同時,更加完美的詮釋空間藝術。商務合作或是投稿可聯系TEL:17717477799如涉及相關法律問題可聯系魏郁澄律師?。ㄉ虾H沼ㄌK州)律師事務所 創始合伙人)蘇州大學法學碩士聯系電話:13862132529