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專注大宅·向美而生suzhou · design· 2022引 言/設計空間,就是設計生活。這需要設計師與屋主一起溝通配合,將空間和生活融為一體。房子的女主人是一位擁有超前居住理念的人,她對審美和生活方式的理解并不遜色于專業設計師,對細節要求的嚴苛程度,也不亞于設計師;新家的軟裝、配件,大到沙發小到餐盤擺件,她都要精挑細選,不能有分毫差錯。和這樣的業主合作,就是知己相逢。我們一起反復到工廠挑選主材,打樣,把控施工細節,逐件篩選家具配飾......她對生活的熱愛,促成了這樣一座精致到極致的新家的誕生,完全為屋主量身打造,每一處細節都充滿業主夫妻獨特的生活故事......生活因熱愛而有趣Life is fun for the love of it少即是多??臻g簡約的配色蘊含高雅的格調,溫馨的氛圍緩緩流淌。Ligne roset的沙發是前衛生活方式的代名詞,也是屋主鐘愛的品牌。沙發優雅與實用并存,線條流暢,揮灑藝術氣息,讓等待它到來的漫長時光也變得值得。Less is more. Ligne roset's sofa is synonymous with an avant-garde lifestyle and is a favorite brand of the homeowner. The sofa is both elegant and practical, with smooth lines and wielding art, making the long wait for its arrival worthwhile.采用窄邊框工藝的門本身就極具美感,最大限度地保留空間的簡約大氣。壁爐火光搖曳,燃起家的溫情。The door itself with a narrow border process is highly aesthetic, maximizing the beauty of the simplicity of the space. The fireplace fire sways and ignites the warmth of home.壁龕式的書柜以柔和的線條過渡,自然地融入墻面,層次豐富而不突兀。當燈光亮起,這里就是真正的精神歸屬地,優雅從容,宜閱讀,宜對坐小敘。The niche-style bookcase with soft lines of transition, naturally integrated into the wall, rich layers without abrupt. When the light is on, this is the true spiritual home, elegant and relaxed, suitable for reading, suitable for sitting opposite each other to have a small conversation.陽臺以全木包裹,與窗外的自然世界相得益彰。木質的小地臺適宜養花宜小坐休閑,讓時光在這里駐足。The balcony is wrapped in all wood, complementing the natural world outside the window. The small wooden terrace is suitable for raising flowers and for sitting and relaxing, so that time can stop here.餐廚空間是屋主創造美好的主戰場,在這里她用心以器具搭配美食,將一日三餐變成一場場盛宴。帶西廚功能的餐廳為她創造更廣闊的施展空間。島臺便捷,餐邊柜功能豐富容量充足,方便收納餐具,實用不乏美觀。The dining space is the main battleground for the homeowner's creativity, where she has turned three meals a day into a feast with the utensils she uses to match her food. The dining room with western kitchen function creates a broader space for her. The island is convenient, and the sideboard is functional and full of capacity, convenient for storing tableware, practical but not lacking in beauty.實木的特質被純凈的底色放大,以質感裝點空間。足夠的留白讓食物成為主角,柔和的光線拉滿氛圍感,一切都變得秀色可餐起來。The qualities of solid wood are magnified by the pure base color, and the space is decorated with texture. Enough white space is left for the food to become the main character, and the soft light fills up the atmosphere, making everything beautiful.極簡的臥室不追逐形式,帶來的更多是精神上的休憩,以舒適的體驗打造深度放松的空間。The minimalist bedroom does not chase the form, bringing more spiritual rest and creating a space for deep relaxation with a comfortable experience.拱形元素展現曲線的美與張力,帶來的浪漫優雅充盈空間。完善的功能設計深度挖掘空間的可能,讓身體的放松上升到精神的享受。The arched elements show the beauty and tension of curves, bringing romantic elegance to fill the space. The perfect functional design deeply explores the possibility of space, allowing the relaxation of the body to rise to the enjoyment of the spirit.生活之路在不斷向前,家也在隨之生長。兒童房的設計描繪了屋主對未來生活的規劃。原木的空間自然健康,滿滿的都是關愛于期待;童心童趣充斥在家具陳設的細節里,將房間塑造成童話小屋。The road of life is moving forward, and the home is growing with it. The design of the children's room depicts the homeowner's plan for future life. The log space is natural and healthy, full of care and expectation; the children's heart and interest are filled in the details of furniture and furnishings, shaping the room into a fairy tale cabin.書房是一片靜謐之地,定制的實木書桌沉穩,燈光如水,籠罩出與外界隔絕的寧靜。書架分出不同高度,讓收集的書籍和擺件有適合的位置??ㄗ鶟M足二人同用書房的需求,創造書香與愛環繞的空間。The study is a quiet place. The custom-made solid wood desk is calm and the light is like water, enveloping a tranquility isolated from the outside world. The bookshelves are divided into different heights, so that the collection of books and ornaments have a suitable place. The card holder meets the need for two people to use the study together, creating a space surrounded by the fragrance of books and love.項目信息項 目 地 址|中 鐵 建 · 花 語 江 南Project Address|China Railway Construction Corporation - Huayi Jiangnan項 目 性 質|洋 房Project Type | House項 目 面 積|180㎡Project area|180㎡設 計 風 格|極 簡Design Style|Minimalist設 計 總 監|吳 芳Design Director|Fang Wu主 創 設 計|唐 慶 霞Creative Design|Tang Qingxia參 與 設 計|俞 巧Participating Designers|Qiao Yu設 計 機 構|赫 頓 裝 飾 設 計TEAM|Hutton Design文案策劃|騰訊家居Copywriting|Tencent Home攝影機構|AK攝影Photographer|AK Photography視頻策劃|贏天下Video Planning|Yingtianxia▼PLANE LAYOUT原始結構圖△平面布置圖△戶型分解圖△End聯系我們赫 頓 設 計 &設 計 總 監地址:蘇州園區星湖街818號 3-126電話:0512-67626600服務郵箱 :HUTTON1826@163.COM