一貝設計 | 包容一切時光的溫柔 | 商業空間設計

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文章轉載自 一貝設計 公眾號YIBEI ? ? DESIGN ? ? SUZHOU??當拋開外界的紛擾,一切慢慢安靜下來后,內心的空白急劇增加,極簡主義信奉的原木風,質樸、清簡、木質的溫暖質感,回歸對家最原始的本真。When the outside world aside, everything slowly quiet down, the heart of the blank sharply increased, minimalist belief in the log wind, simple, simple, wooden warm texture, return to the home of the most original true.??大面積留白,用原木色加以點綴,沙發居中,整墻櫥柜,收納能力可見一斑。玻璃隔斷與開放式書房的夢幻聯動,解決空間的劃分與相連,演繹出多元多平衡的居家場景。Large areas of white space, with a log color to embellish, Sofa Center, the whole wall cabinets, storage capacity can be seen one spot. Glass partition and the dream of the open-style study linkage, to solve the division of space and connected, deducing a multi-balanced home scene.??極簡主義手法的開放式廚房,拉進了人與人之間的關系,免去一個人在廚房忙碌的孤獨與無聊,是一個社交型廚房。The minimalist open kitchen pulls in the relationship between people, avoiding the loneliness and boredom of a busy person in the kitchen. It is a social kitchen.??質樸色調,自然愜意的白色與淺原木色搭配,柔和的光線透過窗讓臥室顯得更加的溫馨。家就是風景,歸家即是度假。Simple tone, natural and comfortable white and light wood color collocation, soft light through the window to make the bedroom appear more warm. Home is the scenery, home is a vacation.?-END-長按關注?最專業的的全案設計,施工,軟裝歡迎后臺點擊預約服務我們將在第一時間與您聯系園區店:蘇州市工業園區李公堤三期9幢103室(瑞貝庭酒店旁)?一 貝 設 計 | Y I ? B E I ?- D E S I G N?????商務合作或是投稿可聯系TEL:17717477799?如涉及相關法律問題?可聯系?魏郁澄律師?。ㄉ虾H沼ㄌK州)律師事務所 創始合伙人)蘇州大學法學碩士聯系電話:138621325