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把自己交給繁忙,得到的是踏實,卻不是真實。那么什么才是真實呢?做什么,和誰在一起,你看到什么,聽到什么,有一種從心靈深處滿溢出來的不懊悔也不羞恥的平和與喜悅。Give yourself to busyness, and you will get sureness, but not reality. So what is real? What you do, who you are with, what you see and hear, there is a peace and joy that overflows from the depths of your heart without regret or shame.華潤悅府|230㎡復式去繁就簡|摩登現代項目設計|樾界設計工作室項目施工|張宇餐廳簡單的軟裝搭配,注重造型的美感以低調的奢華展現出空間在品質上的追求。實木的餐桌和柜體,給人穩重,經得起時間的打磨,給人安靜平和的感覺。圓弧形餐椅勾勒出情韻和客廳的摩登異曲同工。The restaurant's simple combination of soft clothes, focusing on the aesthetic sense of modeling, shows the pursuit of space in quality with low-key luxury. The solid wood dining table and cabinet body are stable and can withstand the polishing of time, giving a feeling of peace and quiet. The arc shaped dining chair outlines the charm and the modern living room.客廳異曲同工之妙處,在于異形的茶幾和弧形的沙發。沒有四四方方的棱角,無論房主或者客人坐在那個角度們都沒有主客之分,象征著和睦。家庭幸福,團團圓圓。The beauty of the living room lies in the irregular tea table and the arc-shaped sofa. There is no square corner. No matter where the owner or the guest sits, there is no difference between the host and the guest, which symbolizes harmony. Family happiness, round and round.舒適、利落、自由,不拘小節。大大的落地窗,讓陽光照射到整個屋內,更能體現家庭溫暖氣息。在軟裝布局上,不做大面積的鋪設點綴,主張去繁就簡,干凈利落。Comfortable, clean, free and informal. The large French windows let the sunlight shine into the whole house, which can better reflect the warmth of the family. In the layout of soft decoration, it is not necessary to do large-area laying and embellishment, and it is recommended to be simple and clean.衛生間墻面設計師設計的六角磚材料,整體感覺不僅突出了裝飾性而且大膽前衛。The hexagonal brick materials designed by the bathroom wall designer not only highlight the decorative but also bold and avant-garde.臥室整體設計簡單的背景墻設計簡單普通很實用,地面實木地板給人很溫暖的感覺。較于客廳、餐廳用色的對比在臥室設計師選用的更多是如何的色彩好似暖灰色等,軟皮為主的軟裝家具也成為空間重點臥室之中,對于烘托空間的柔和大有助力。The overall design of the bedroom is simple, common and practical. The solid wood floor on the ground gives a warm feeling. Compared with the contrast of living room and dining room colors, the bedroom designer chooses more colors that look like warm gray. Soft furniture based on soft leather has also become a key bedroom in space, which greatly helps to set off the softness of space.書房整體軟裝搭配,不缺時尚感。磚紅色的圓形燈,桌上綠植充滿了生機勃勃。The overall soft decoration of the study is matched with a sense of fashion. Brick red round lamp, green plants on the table are full of vitality.家不是繁復的裝飾不是該流行什么風格就做什么而是都應該融合在當下的生活里。Introduction to Design Studio設計工作室介紹