丨力作 · 新作賞析丨閱山湖 · “爛漫”

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丨 別墅大宅 -商業空間- 整體軟裝 丨寫在前言PREFACE風景是訪客的觀察看到的景色是訪客的獎賞 #Chapter 1#項目簡介吉宅地址 /Address閱山湖風格主體 / Design style現代奶油風基礎設計、施工團隊/Design team力作空間設計軟裝設計、陳列布場/Soft outfit曼辰軟裝陳設包含項目 /Construction project間接費:設計費、工程直接費、管理費基礎:打拆改造、水電施工、泥作、木作、漆作等軟裝:設計規劃、產品采購、布場安裝#Chapter 2#設計靈感及軟裝元素深沉的意志,恢弘的想象,熾熱的感情,設計與居住者無聲的交流中,體驗靈動之感。With deep will, magnificent imagination and passionate feelings, the design can experience the sense of flexibility in the silent communication with the residents.#Chapter 3#平面設計規劃以視覺語言表達流動性與感性,延展性是流暢的曲線,平衡感是精致的對稱。To express fluidity and sensibility in visual language, ductility is a smooth curve, and the sense of balance is delicate symmetry.#Chapter 4#效果示意圖■客廳精致而不刻意,質感與格調是整體色調表達的空間中心點。Delicate but not deliberate, texture and style are the spatial center of the overall tone expression.■餐廳“如夢如幻月,若即若離花”用來形容這里的變化再貼切不過,心里涌動的是對時光變遷中的溫柔和與獨特。"Like a dream, like a magic moon, like a fickle flower" is used to describe the changes here. What is surging in my heart is the tenderness and uniqueness in the changes of time.■書房有點意思的是,我在這里的時光變得緩慢;有時間去思考、去審視與觀察。What's interesting is that my time here has become slow; Have time to think, examine and observe.■老人臥、盥洗間幸福有時是模棱兩可的,但取決于愛的程度;深沉的愛是說不清的,你說不上哪里好,但你就是義無反顧的選擇。Happiness is sometimes ambiguous, but it depends on the degree of love; Deep love is indescribable. You can't say what's good, but you are the choice without hesitation.■次臥、兒童房、盥洗間討喜的自在和輕松,還有隨之而來的無限質感,是設計想表達的態度。Pleasing freedom and ease, as well as the accompanying infinite texture, are the attitude that the design wants to express.■主臥、衣帽間、盥洗間每一寸都是浪漫的味道,生活是不止眼前的茍且,把生活過成詩也是真的。Every inch is romantic. Life is more than just the present. It is also true to live a poem.■小景生活本身棲身于時間的容器中,而生活的氛圍是我們與時間的博弈。Life itself lives in the container of time, and the atmosphere of life is our game with time.結語CONCLUSION克制的舒適度一種獨特的‘平庸’