Nine S Design | 440㎡ 花溪碧桂園現代別墅——精致而高級的美

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Top01引子徜徉在藝術的自由之境棲息于寬宥的溫馨港灣這一次我們用現代感打造一個高度契合精致與藝術的家Wandering in the free realm of ArtPerch in the warm harbor of forgivenessThis timeWe use modern senseCreate a high fitHome of refinement and art項目面積/AREA : 440㎡項目風格/STYLE :現代項目地址/PROJECT SFFTRDD : 花溪碧桂園設計團隊/DESIGN TEAM : 九思設計事務所項目主案/LEAD CASEDESIGNER : 張輝、田念項目參與/PARTICIPAT DESIGNERS :楊利芳、吳錦濤Top02案例賞析-Effect analysis-/效果解析1F客餐廳色調是以中性色彩為主,在深一度與淺一度的棕色中尋找到平衡點。室內會客、就餐、娛樂位于洄游動線上,合理布局增加室內通透性。原本令人頭疼的各個承重柱也在設計師的點綴下藝術范十足。磨砂金屬色搭配木質、石材,產生奇妙的視覺沖擊感,使空間不僅變得精致且不失時尚美感。The whole hue is neutral, finding a balance between dark and light brown. Indoor reception, dining and entertainment are located on the migration line, and the reasonable layout increases the indoor permeability. The original headache of each bearing column is also decorated by the designer with a full artistic style. The frosted metal color matches with wood and stone to produce a wonderful visual impact, making the space not only exquisite, but also fashionable and aesthetic.1F客餐廳局部特寫-Effect analysis-/ 效果解析2F女孩房女孩房以精致溫柔為主,色彩的多樣性帶來了更多的和諧溫馨,光線穿插錯落,帶來絲絲暖意。The girls' room is mainly delicate and gentle. The diversity of colors brings more harmony and warmth. The light is interspersed and scattered, bringing a trace of warmth.2F休閑區-Effect analysis-/ 效果解析3F主臥臥室當中大面積的木質元素和整體相互融合,再加上不同紋理之間的相互碰撞,展示出空間當中的韻律感,充滿現代簡約的情調令空間縈繞著藝術和往昔歲月的氣息,無主燈的設計打造出空間當中的層次和節奏性。The large area of wooden elements in the bedroom are integrated with the whole, and the collision between different textures shows the sense of rhythm in the space. It is full of modern and simple emotions, which makes the space haunt the breath of art and the past years. The design of the ownerless lamp creates the current level and rhythm of the space.3F主衛簡約不失優雅的浴室給人提供了便利與舒適,盥洗臺的石材紋理與晶瑩的玻璃隔斷釋放了奔放與自然的自由,隨意中體現出藝術之美。The simple and elegant bathroom provides convenience and comfort. The stone texture of the washstand and the crystal glass partition release the freedom of unrestrained and nature, and reflect the beauty of art at will.3F休閑區深色的木紋吊頂加上奶咖色的沙發在起居室當中形成了明顯的顏色沖擊,讓整個空間變得十分簡約,同時和整體的設計風格進行相互呼應。簡單的設計理念又展示了整個空間當中獨特的空間狀態,大面積落地窗又可以以滿足整個空間當中的采光需求。The dark wood grain ceiling and the milk coffee sofa have formed a significant color impact in the living room, making the whole space very simple, and echoing the overall design style at the same time. The simple design concept shows the unique space state of the whole space, and the large-area floor to ceiling windows can meet the lighting needs of the whole space.(以上圖片版權為九思設計所有,盜圖必究)Top03團隊介紹我們的團隊Our team成員介紹:總監設計師:張輝 田念 主案設計師:楊利芳 深化設計師:郭厚噸 鄧偉 燈光設計師:吳錦濤 軟裝設計師:董敏 基礎設計師:曾佳 團隊理念:我們與其仰望別人,不如打造自己。把興趣變成事業,把事業融入生活,把生活融入設計,我們熱愛設計,熱愛可抵漫長歲月。九思高級 定制室內設計研究室九 思 高 級 定 制