至翔NID實景作品 | 如馨如愿

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至翔 NID空 間 設 計ZXNIDspace designHard installation design/Soft installation design感謝您關注至翔NID空間設計Thank you for your attention to ZXNID designHard installation design & soft installation designZXNID design teamChangshu,Suzhou,China2022項目名稱 | Name :如馨如愿項目坐標 | Address :蘇州.常熟玫瑰園項目風格 | Style:極簡侘寂風設計機構 | Design :至翔NID空間設計施工單位 | Consturuction :至翔精筑設計時間 | Design time :2021·03拍攝時間 | Shooting time :2022·05項目面積 | Area :250㎡至翔NID空間設計Over lately, I've been counting my stars細數漫天星辰'Cause I will spend my whole life loving you是因為決定了要用一生來愛你--- 「 Design & Appeal | 設計&訴求」本案業主即將步入婚姻的殿堂,新居承載著新生活的開始,女主人自然對家有著很多的想法以及期待,設計之初的溝通是很充分的,經過設計師的梳理,提出很多大格局的改造,在我們和業主不斷的溝通中,空間改造和功能達成統一,讓我們一起來見證他倆幸福的起點吧。設計靈感:裸色系墻地面與大地色系地板成就極簡侘寂想擁有一個既溫柔又沉靜的家嘛?選擇極簡侘寂就對了。所謂極簡侘寂風,就是當極簡現代遇到侘寂。游走在極簡與溫柔之間,更適合現代年輕人的審美?!?Family changes | 戶型改造 」改造點:1. 原建筑每個空間獨立、互動性差、有一些預留的中空區域需要澆筑。2. 門廳空間多轉折、不通透、儲藏換鞋的基本功能不足3. 客廳和餐廳同一空間、較擁擠4. 常規樓梯無特色5. 主臥室進門就是床,私密性較差6. 一層衛生間置于空間中心,不便于規劃7. 地下室無規劃,需要挑高空間,給設計改造留出余地改動:1. 地下室+一層規劃為公區、二層改造為臥室區,動靜分離。2. 一層空間統統打開,分區合理,使空間充分互通3. 一層衛生間位置移到入口左側+隱形門4. 地下室澆筑夾層(擴充娛樂區),空間高差限定突出層次感、5. 改造主臥入口,改善主臥私密性,入口過渡空間,使生活更具儀式感6. 澆筑挑高空間,增加一間南向的副臥7. 主衛改造:擴充淋浴間,并完善功能設施8. 外衛改造:擴充家政功能,使規劃更合理一樓原始結構圖二樓原始結構圖地下室原始結構圖一樓平面布置圖二樓平面布置圖地下室平面布置圖地下室夾層平面布置圖01.The hallDesign agency: Zhi Xiang NID space design門廳∞請翻轉欣賞 ∞入戶玄關區用不同顏色的磚來進行區域的劃分,換鞋凳采用老木頭材質,藝術感和實用性相結合,柜子功能豐富,掛衣放鞋、隨手的包包鑰匙都有特定的地方可放。The entrance area is divided by bricks of different colors, and the stool for changing shoes is made of old wood, which combines artistic sense with practicality. The cabinet is rich in functions, and there are specific places for hanging clothes and shoes, and the keys of bags and bags.02.The sitting roomDesign agency: Zhi Xiang NID space design客廳∞請翻轉欣賞 ∞擴大后的客廳空間,采用背靠背雙場景沙發,結合書柜形成一個閱讀區和一個會客區,這種組合方式更適合年輕人隨性的生活方式。The enlarged living room space adopts a back-to-back double scene sofa and combines bookcases to form a reading area and a reception area, which is more suitable for young people's casual lifestyle.03.RestaurantDesign agency:ZhiXiang NID space design餐廳?∞請翻轉欣賞 ∞餐廳移到北面原有臥室的位置、空間更獨立了。餐廳和廚房的組合,功能劃分合理,增加了互動性。The location and space of the dining room moved to the original bedroom in the north are more independent. And the combination of dining room and kitchen, the function division is reasonable, and the interaction is increased.04.The kitchenDesign agency:ZhiXiang NID space design廚房∞請翻轉欣賞 ∞由于燃氣管道的原因,廚房位置不宜改變,設計師用開放廚房的方式,讓一層形成了貫通的空間。值得一提的是中間的島臺,回流動線的處理,既限定了廚房的區域感,主次動線又做了分離。Because of the gas pipeline, the position of the kitchen should not be changed. The designer used the open kitchen to make the first floor form a through space. It is worth mentioning that the island in the middle, the processing of the return line, not only limits the kitchen's sense of area, but also separates the primary and secondary lines.∞請翻轉欣賞 ∞在此品一杯紅酒、做一份簡單的早餐、很多業主希望的生活場景,都得到了承載。In this product, a glass of red wine, a simple breakfast, and many life scenes hoped by the owners have been carried.05.The bedroomDesign agency:ZhiXiang NID space design樓梯樓梯做為復式空間最主要的是銜接構件,我們需要滿足人體工程學,上下更方便,也符合視覺美學。古樸的原木質感+通透超白玻,極簡和侘寂風融合。踏步燈的處理,使生活更便捷了,營造的氛圍光也是滿滿的浪漫。As the most important connecting component of the duplex space, the stair needs to meet the ergonomics, be more convenient to go up and down, and also conform to the visual aesthetics. The simple and unsophisticated log texture+transparent ultra white glass, which combines simplicity with quiet wind. The treatment of step lights makes life more convenient and creates a romantic atmosphere.06.Parents' roomDesign agency:ZhiXiang NID space design主臥室原結構一進門就是臥室,經過設計巧妙調整入口位置,形成入口緩沖區結構,臥室大小不變的情況下,私密性更好了,生活方式更具儀式感。The original structure is the bedroom as soon as you enter the door. After the entrance position is cleverly adjusted, the entrance buffer structure is formed. With the same bedroom size, the privacy is better and the lifestyle is more ceremonial.07.The balconyDesign agency:ZhiXiang NID space design次臥次臥是在原有的挑高空間澆筑后得到的。隔墻位置上移,獲得了4米左右的衣柜,儲藏功能滿足,空間規整,將來作為兒童臥室或長輩過來小住,都是很好的選擇。The sleeper is obtained after casting in the original elevated space. The partition wall is moved up, and a wardrobe of about 4 meters is obtained. The storage function is satisfied, and the space is regular. It will be a good choice for children's bedrooms or elders to stay in the future.08.ToiletDesign agency:ZhiXiang NID space design衛生間衛生間用色和整體風格協調,二層公衛狹長,合理劃分出家政空間滿足使用功能,主衛配置超豪華獨立浴缸,并利用了部分北面小房間的空間,擴充一個淋浴間,使空間更寬敞。The color of the bathroom is in harmony with the overall style. The public bathroom on the second floor is long and narrow. The housekeeping space is reasonably divided to meet the use function. The main bathroom is equipped with an ultra luxurious independent bathtub, and some small rooms in the north are used to expand a shower room to make the space more spacious.09.ToiletDesign agency:ZhiXiang NID space design地下室∞請翻轉欣賞 ∞原結構無功能規劃,4.7米的挑高空間,走樓梯是很累的。澆筑獲得夾層空間,擴充了休閑區,采用高差限定設計、讓空間更具趣味性。樓梯經過夾層區域,增加了步行休息區。夾層的欄桿用矮墻形式,分隔空間,和建筑融為一體,極簡處理的手法,視覺和實用兼具。The original structure has no functional planning, with a 4.7-meter high space. It is very tiring to take the stairs.The sandwich space is poured, the leisure area is expanded, and the design of height difference is adopted to make the space more interesting. After the stairs pass through the mezzanine area, a walking rest area is added.The mezzanine railing is in the form of a low wall, which separates the space and integrates with the building. The minimalist approach is both visual and practical.-至翔NID空間設計-E N D商務合作或是投稿可聯系TEL:17717477799如涉及相關法律問題可聯系魏郁澄律師?。ㄉ虾H沼ㄌK州)律師事務所 創始合伙人)蘇州大學法學碩士聯系電話:13862132529