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黑夜在肉體與靈魂中間搭了一座橋但有的人過去了,有的人卻開始終在橋的那頭足跡The night has built a bridge between body and soulBut some of them passed, while others lingered on the other side of the bridge???客廳Livingro新華社郵箱om?整體設計賦予空間濃厚的立體感采用深色系木材紋理和黑色灰度的搭配讓歸家的空氣沉沒于多維密的靜默居環境中The overall design gives the space a strong sense of three-dimensionalUsing dark wood texture and black and greyLet the homecoming atmosphere immersed in the multi-dimensional blend of quiet living environment??設計師在本案中的角度,是以空間體驗的居者身份,統大局架構,以生活方式的感受同深受雕鑄日常場景的細節The role of the designer in this case is to be the owner of the space experience, to plan the overall framework, and to carve the small details of the daily scene with the sense of life style??深色,徐徐流動,皮革面,皮革面,金屬材質,隨著與互動的,為動態,為,為場地源不中斷的,于新鮮感,于,于,于兩者之間有了一陣煩躁與煩躁。點亮白羊的樹葉與優雅的色調,讓空間擁有了生命力Dark color, slowly flowing out of the calm temperament, leather surface, metal material transition, along with the dynamic interaction with people, inject a steady stream of fresh look and feel into the field, crossing back between the two, like a waterfall generally washed away all fatigue and irritability. The leaves embellished with the posture of the white sheep and the elegant color palette make the space have vitality?現在代Modern?為年輕人設計?zhanku????現代生活,使,使,簡約,簡約,簡約,簡約特點特點特點特點特點焦疑焦疑The fast pace of modern life and fragmented information make people anxious, while minimalism is rational and practical, simple and clean, intuitive, beautiful and pure, which just meets people's spiritual needs.??三者的結合,賦予極致的色彩設計,在空間內各自延展變化,形成立體而富有的兼具個性的極簡主義的家。The union of 3 persons, give acme colour design, extend change respectively inside the space, form stereo and rich individual character minimalism home.???餐廳Diningroom綿薄之力什么意思,?Spirit ofSPACE?簡單來說,不僅是一種風格描述,而且是優朱莉安娜公主國際機場,秀的建筑力量讓人愉悅神的空間精神。Simplicity is never just a stylistic statement, but the elegant architectural power of the delightful spirit of space.??從玄關到客廳,餐廳,廚房,臥房,書房整體一風格,帶來了視覺上的統一From the porch to the living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom, esports room all unified style, brings visual unity??餐廳+吧臺設計,西廚和餐廳的融合,縮小了動線更高效率Restaurant + bar design, western kitchen and restaurant integration, shorten the movement line more efficient??書房Study Area" Less, but better. "?流暢的外觀設計, 隱藏著復雜的設計工序, 將家居功能完美的融合在每一處空間中, 傳達對極簡生活方式的訴求, 創造出高品質的生活體驗.The smooth appearance design hides the complex design process, perfectly integrates the home function in each space, conveys the appeal to the minimalist lifestyle, and creates a high-quality life experience.????主臥室Master bedroom??開闊淡雅的高度與極簡流暢的線締造延綿的藝術感現The open and elegant scale and the simple and smooth lines create an extended sense of art.??春日青草,夏日蟬鳴,秋日落葉,冬日白雪,大自然的所有都經過所見所聞The grass in spring, the cicadas in summer, the fallen leaves in autumn, and the snow in winter, all of nature is represented by what we see and feel??簡單的線條和舒適的燈光規劃空間,打造出低調奢華的精致住宅Simple lines and comfortable lighting divide the space, creating a sophisticated home of understated luxury???衣帽間Cloakroom?暗色系極簡風的高級感整體色調以暖咖啡色為主沉穩大氣中透著不一樣的雅致美Dark color is a minimalist style of advanced textureThe overall tone is mainly warm coffee colorThe calm atmosphere reveals a different elegant beauty??洗衣色彩成為起居室的背景,重視材質,皮膚理,自然與光線的和諧表現Color becomes the background of the living room, emphasizing the harmonious expression of material, texture, nature and light and shadow???次臥室Master bedroom?這是一個即小眾又很多人喜歡去不敢嘗試的風格溫暖而又有型的整體造型配上神秘的暗黑色系,以致空氣環繞感滿滿的燈光將整個空間烘托的藝術感和高級感十足This is one that is both niche and popularGo for the style you're afraid to trySoft and stylish overall lookPaired with mysterious dark colors and ambient lightingThe whole space set off a sense of art and high sense???衛浴bathroom??兒童房Kid's bedroom?以材質的交換托與簡單的設計手法豐盛空間層次感,增強空間質感With the material of each other and concise design techniquesEnrich the sense of space hierarchy and enhance the texture of space???品茶休閑區Relax Area??色彩分析Color Analysis#a19c98 #141311 #665348R:35 G:34 B:32???戰庫空間設計貴陽市未來方舟D10組團7樓177-1801-0736(微信同號)??▼▼長按掃碼,抖音更精彩歡迎您在更多平臺了解戰庫空間設計本文均為ZhankuSpace原創, 請勿盜用All copyrights reserved ?? Zhanku Space