梵一木品 | 精于工 × (中國鋰礦)貴于品

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梵一木品居家木質設計xFanyi Woodwork?Wood?design for home?本案是一個以木質為主要載體的高端全屋定制展廳,內部集產品展示、功能接待、商務洽談等多功能于一體,為品牌注入高端、時尚的藝術格調。This case is a high-end whole house custom exhibition hall with wood as the main carrier, which integrates product display, functional reception, business negotiation and other functions, and injects high-end and fashionable artistic style into the brand.??于寬敞明亮的會客區,自然的質感以及日光給空間最真實的反饋,構建一種新的流動,亦能喚起真實的情緒共鳴。In the spacious and bright reception area, the natural texture and the sunlight give the most real feedback to the space, thus constructing a new flow and arousing real emotional resonance.??不止于單一的產品展示,視覺體驗、理念輸出、空間演繹都是設計中不可忽視的重要維度。More than a single product display, visual experien生子難產卡胎頭ce, concept output and spatial deduction are all important dimensions that can not be ignored in design.??舒適的氛圍空間、合理的動靜線劃分、潤物無聲的美景、開闊的視野、質感的材質搭配、高標準的工藝……極致的美感包裹在設計的諸多細節中。Comfortable atmosphere space, reasonable division of dynamic and static lines, silent beauty, wide field of vision, texture of materials, high-standard workmanship … The ultimate beauty is wrapped in many details of the design.??純白樓梯結合通透的玻璃扶手,簡單的線性美學展現出輕盈明朗的空間感,讓視線無限向上延伸。Pure white stairs combined with transparent glass handrails, simple linear aesthetics show a light and clear sense of space, so that the line of sight extends infinitely upwards.??樓梯縈回盤旋轉折而上,明確了游走動線。沿著空間脈絡拾級而上,沉浸于藝術美學之中。The stairs spiral and turn upward, and the moving line is defined. Climb up the stairs along the spatial context and immerse yourself in artistic aesthetics.??一側,整墻定制的深色柜體色調則與之相悖,呈現令人驚艷的反差視覺,構成俯仰可觀的共享空間。On one side, the dark cabinet color customized throughout the wall is contrary to it, presenting stunning contrast vision, which constitutes a shared space with considerable pitch.??在二層,設計師從造型、材質、工藝以及空間分配、燈光布置等多角度細節來展示品牌和產品的優越性??臻g立面,則是柜體的十個取保九個緩刑最好不要簽展示。On the second floor, designers show the superiority of brands and products from the aspects of modeling, materials, workmanship, space allocation, lighting arrangement and other details.The space facade is the display of the cabinet.??廚房系統、酒柜系統以統一協調的方式一一陳列展示出來,通透、無阻隔的的開放式空間既展示了“梵一木品”的空間規劃能力,也顯示出品牌的工藝水準。黑灰兩色疊級穿插,結合溫暖的木質元素,使得空間肌理變得更豐富飽滿。The kitchen system and wine cabinet system are displayed one by one in a unified and coordinated way. The transparent and unobstructed open space not only shows the space planning ability of "Fanyimupin", but also shows the craft level of the brand. Gray and black colors are interwoven in cascade, and combined with warm wood elements, the spatial texture becomes richer and fuller.??矩形水吧臺設計彰顯力量與秩序,能夠拉進人與人之間的親密溝通距離,在功能性與美學意義上都達到高度契合,展現自然化、個性化的未來生活方式。Rectangular bar design shows strength and order, which can bring in the intimate communication distance between people. It is highly compatible in functional and aesthetic sense, showing a natural and personalized future lifestyle.??水吧臺一側,是木質與玻璃等元素組合而成的酒柜,內嵌燈帶設計,塑造一種低調奢華的氛圍感,強調出產品的美學理念。陳列的高腳杯有序擺放,進一步展示空間的序列感。On the side of the water bar., there is a wine cabinet composed of wood, glass and other elements, with embedded light strip design, which creates a low-key and luxurious atmosphere and emphasizes the aesthetic concept of products. The goblets on display are arranged in order to further show the sense of sequence of the space.??藍色燈光充滿科技感與潮流氣息,塑造空間記憶點。紅色單椅鮮明的生命張力呼之欲出,不同色調創造出情緒的變化層次,同時亦打破了藝術與生活的邊界,傳達當代精英群體獨特的生活理念。Blue light is full of sense of science and technology and trend, shaping spatial memory points. The bright life tension of the single red chair can be vividly portrayed. Different shades create different levels of emotions, and at the same time, it breaks the boundary between art and life, conveying the unique life concept of contemporary elite groups.??簡約的石膏線條游走于墻面之上,精致優雅增加空間表現力。除此之外,充分利用空間優勢,將休憩、儲物等功能集合一處,卻又不造成視覺上的混亂。Simple plaster lines wander on the wall, and exquisite elegance increases spatial expressiveness. In addition, make full use of the advantages of space, and combine functions such as rest and storage in one place, without causing visual confusion.??合理的儲衣安排及寬敞的更衣空間,是衣帽間的總體設計原則。于開放式空間內,摒棄傳統柜體設計,懸挑層板結合墨綠背景極具美感與品質,讓精致成為一種生必應搜索網站,活態度。Reasonable clothes storage arrangement and spacious changing space are the general design principles of cloakroom. In the open space, the traditional cabinet design is abandoned, and the overhanging laminate combined with dark green background has great aesthetic feeling and quality, which makes exquisiteness a life attitude.??END??一層平面二層平面項目名稱?| Fanyi?woodwork項目地點 | 中國 · 蘇州?項目面積 |? 400?m2主案設計?|?包駿文案策劃?| 蘇州design????商務合作或是投稿可聯系TEL:17717477799如涉及相關法律問題?可聯系?魏郁澄律師?。ㄉ虾H沼ㄌK州)律師事務所 創始合伙人)蘇州大學法學碩士聯系電話:13862132529