一貝設計 | 復古鄉村小美式·一人獨居自在 | 家(英文對聯)裝設計

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文章轉載自 一貝設計 公眾號YIBEI ? ? DESIGN ? ? SUZHOU?儀式感的認真生活,向往陽光燦爛的日子,不論外面的世界有多紛擾,家永遠是我們溫暖的存在。Ritual of serious life, yearning for In the Heat of the Sun, no matter how the outside world is troubled, home will always be our warm presence.客廳以奶白色為基調,點綴復古棕,經典黑提升色彩濃郁。巧妙的綠植擺放與木質家具的運用,搭配復古吊燈,進一步將美式美學的自然主義滲透到客廳的每一個角落,使客廳整體充滿簡約又質樸的美式鄉村氛圍感。The living room takes the cream white as the basic tone, embellishes the retro brown, the classical black promotion color is rich. Artful green plants and wooden furniture use, with retro chandeliers, further n aesthetic naturalism infiltrated into every corner of the living room, is the 雅迪電動車怎么樣,living room as 閻學晶,a whole full of simple and rustic n rural atmosphere.廚房開放式設計,顏值與功用兼得,格架與收納柜滿足不同之需,柴米油鹽的瑣碎也可以如此美好,注冊電子郵箱免費注冊,清新的綠色+木色,櫥柜的柜門線條是經典的美式風格,給人舒服的視覺延伸感。Open kitchen design, both appearance and function, shelves and cabinets to meet different needs, money and salt trifles can be so beautiful, fresh Green + wood color, cabinet door lines are the classic n style, gives a comfortable sense of visual extension.臥室設計素雅溫馨,安靜色澤,柔軟質地,卸下盔甲與面具,將真實的自我交還這里,一人獨居,只管沉醉,忘卻時間。Bedroom design elegant warm, quiet color, soft texture, take off the armor and mask, the real self back here, a person living alone, just intoxicated, forget the time.?長按關注?最專業的的全案設計,施工,軟裝歡迎后臺點擊預約服務我們將在第一時間與您聯系園區店:蘇州市工業園區李公堤三期9幢103室(瑞貝庭酒店旁)??一 貝 設 計 | Y I ? B E I ?- D E S I G N