容象新作 | 云棲蝶鮮榨果汁排行榜谷:形流如水的生活主張

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家宅的功能不僅是居住與使用,更多的是親情的溫度和成長的陪伴。?當房子承載了家的使命,就會幻化成家該有的形態,這個形態不是固有的狀態,更不用勉強去適應他的存在,而是要打磨他重塑他,創造一種應有的生活方式。家人的互動、親子的歡愉、夫妻的溫情、待客的禮道都需要為空間的靈動設個善意的計。?他是催化幸福的容器,我們寄托給他情感、歸安、希望時,他的使命便上升為家文化的提煉,及家文化的傳承。形而上的表達不足以體現幸福的簡單,我們去嘗試打破房子的固態,重塑家人生活的形態,讓房子去為一個家呈現最好的表達。?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ——設計師說??????01云棲蝶谷,花香自來????汲取自然之精華 造夢詩意般生活?從自然中汲取靈感,充分感受大自然的力量,用簡單的造型與天然的材質,傳達設計創作者如詩般的意念。??????在素白雅靜的空間里攬一處光景,于一呼一吸間感悟自然氣息,滌蕩心靈,陶冶情操。Grasp a scene in the plain white and elegant space, feel the natural breath in every breath, cleanse the mind and cultivate the sentiment.??????寬敞開放的空間包含多樣化的家居功能,視覺感觀達到最大化,靈動且通透。The spacious and open space contains diversified household functions, and the visual sense is maximized, flexible and transparent.??????流轉自然光 綠意互映趣光線自由流轉,綠意互照成趣,生機盎然盡收眼底。??????鏤空的墻體設計巧妙引光,自由的光線在開放式客餐廳空間穿梭流動,躍然的美麗光影與室內外綠意相互映照成趣,氤氳出一幅雅致柔情美好居室的畫面。?The hollowed out wall is cleverly designed to attract light, and free light shuttles and flows in the open dining room space. The beautiful light and shadow and the indoor and outdoor greenery reflect each other, creating an elegant and tender picture of a beautiful room.??????下沉式閱讀休閑空間將氣質貫通的公共空間柔性分割,獨立且開放,遵從居住者內心本性,滿足家居體驗的各自所需,呈現繽紛精致的生活化場景。?The sunken reading leisure space is a flexible division of the public space, independent and open, complying with the inner nature of the residents, meeting their own needs for home experience, and presenting a colorful and delicate living scene.?????02悠然婉轉,煙火不負????婉轉趣味的表達 終歸抵達至內心?借力于大自然的能量創造與之相互契合的室內建筑形體結構傳達深層意涵的設計態度。??????圓形拱門的意趣開放性與自然氣質,將剛柔并濟應用于空間上,營造了溫和有力的空間秩序。?The open and natural temperament of the round arch applies the combination of hardness and softness to the space, creating a mild and powerful space order.??????潔白空間、相融材質、柔和光線、盎然植物、安靜無嘈的氛圍,還有一顆洞悉理解萬物萬事之心——生命的真相已得到詮釋。White space, harmonious materials, soft light, abundant plants, quiet and noiseless atmosphere, and a heart of understanding everything - the truth of life has been interpreted.??????折而向上 筑夢階梯每個人心里都藏匿著一席天地,他們的念想一次又一次地往返?;ǔ鏊械臅r間在那里,卻永不厭倦。??????旋轉樓梯在燈帶的裝飾中烘托了空間氣氛,帶來層次及格調感,元素相疊后呈現別具一格的藝術美學。The revolving stairs set off the space atmosphere in the decoration of the light strip, bringing a sense of hierarchy and style. The elements overlap to present a unique artistic aesthetics.??????大理石階梯在鏡面作用下視覺得到立體化的升級,增添了轉角空間的藝術趣味。The marble ladder can be seen as a three-dimensional upgrade under the effect of the mirror, which adds artistic interest to the corner space.?????03日落銀河,夢覓良宵????浩瀚宇宙間 繁星若夢里徜徉在浩瀚的宇宙中你我都是小小的星辰繁星若夢,無限可能??????“攬來天邊月,嵌作地上門?!薄靶伍T美妙的弧線制造出垂直的視覺拉伸感,激發豐富的藝術聯想。"Take the moon from the horizon and inlay it as a door to the ground."—— The wonderful arc of the arch gate creates a vertical sense of visual stretching and stimulates rich artistic associations.??????主臥甄選淺灰飾面平和空間情緒,恒定寧靜氣息。質感、層次、結構、光影成為空間詩意的載體,升華成一幅物與心融,境與意合的靈動畫卷。The master bedroom is decorated with light grey, which is calm and peaceful. Texture, hierarchy, structure, light and shadow become the carrier of poetic space, and sublimate into a spiritual animation volume that integrates things with heart, and integrates conception with meaning.??????粉色世界,擁有多彩的想象力與無限的夢幻。Pink world, with colorful imagination and unlimited dreams.??????白晝與黑夜的吻痕叫做月亮,將睡意與美好融化在月光下,與你道一句“晚安”。The kiss of day and night is called the moon, which melts sleepiness and beauty in the moonlight and says "good night" to you.?????04醉后清風,醒來明月????品一杯茶與歲月同歌,回首過往,縱生活紛雜,仍萬分欣然。Taste a cup of tea and sing with the years. Looking back on the past, I am still very happy even though my life is complicated.??????夜色起香霧 曉光收玉煙月亮掉落人間,召喚出夜之精靈,在錦繡山河里翩翩起舞,一陣晚風襲來,奏響入夜序曲。??????夜幕降臨,蝶隱歸園,一片靜謐寧和的氛圍。移步外景,與親友淺酌幾杯互訴心意,徐徐清風拂面而來,愜意自在。When night falls, butterflies hide in the garden, creating a quiet and peaceful atmosphere. Move to the outside, have a few drinks with friends and relatives, and talk to each other. The breeze is blowing gently, and you are comfortable.???項目信息:?項目地點:杭州項目面積:600㎡硬裝設計:管杰硬裝配合:金月、鄭佳俊軟裝設計:沈超悅軟裝配合:李帆、高麗偉項目攝影:瀚墨視覺-壹高??設計師簡介:??????管杰(右)?容象空間設計(杭州)有限公司? 董事合伙人/設計總監??2022 ?40 UNDER 40中國設計杰出青年評委2022 ?IAI全球設計獎(室內獎)別墅豪宅銀獎2018 ?入選50例華人頂尖作品大宅設計2017 ?入選40under40中國設計杰出青年2015 ?法國藝術博覽會IDS中國別墅類金獎國家注冊高級室內建筑師 中國建筑裝飾協會會員????沈超悅(左)???容象空間設計(杭州)有限公司??軟裝設計總監? ????2021 亞太空間設計年度評選 優秀設計師 ????40UNDER40中國(浙江)設計杰出青年 中國青年私宅設計師大賽全國十大私宅設計杰出青年